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Selectmen's & BAC's Minutes 12/14/2006

December 14, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach and Richard Leone.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.  Budget Advisory Committee members Arthur Muller, Stephen Nilsen, Charles Balyeat, and Michael Snow.

ABSENT:  Selectman Frederick Gallup and Budget Advisory Committee member Scott Unsworth.

OTHERS:  Peggy Chalmers, Kevin Rickard, Peter Urbach, Betty Tatlock,  Road Agent Tony Bergeron, Catherine Busheuff,  Police Chief David Cahill, Fire Chief Dan Ruggles, Water & Sewer Superintendent David Bailey, and Librarian John Walden.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 6:05 PM.

Donna Nashawaty presented the Selectmen and BAC with a draft warrant for the 2007 Town Meeting.  She stated that the articles were in no particular order and that she would be doing that with the Selectmen upon finalization of the warrant.  D. Nashawaty informed the BAC that the Board of Selectmen appointed a Livery Renovation Committee to research what to do with the old Town Hall.  She introduced Kevin Rickard, Chairman of the committee.  

Kevin Rickard distributed an article written by Ron Garceau of the Historical Society which gave a background of the S.A. French Livery (old Town Hall).  He explained that his committee would like to have two articles in the warrant.  The first article would ask “are in favor of preserving the Old Town Hall”.  The second article asks for $35,000.00 for professional planning to develop a comprehensive plan for the future use of the hall.

Donna Nashawaty stated that all department heads and people who have submitted articles should be told that if the Board of Selectmen does not approve the article placement on the warrant, they may submit their article by petition.  The deadline for petition articles is January 9th.

Peter Urbach, Library Trustee, was present to discuss the two articles for the library.  The first article is for $25,000.00 for the capital reserve fund.  He explained that the town has been funding this capital reserve for 5 or 6 years.  This fund will be used to begin construction of the new library which is planned to begin in April of 2007.  The second article allows the sale of the Abbott Library and allows all proceeds to go towards construction of the new library.  

Board of Selectmen & BAC
December 14, 2006

Peggy Chalmers, Chairman of the Planning Board, was present to discuss the warrant article for the Master Plan review.  The article requests $15,000.00 to assist with data collection, map preparation, town survey, printing, etc. for the new Master Plan.  This amount is about one half of what other towns have spent.  She explained that UVLSRPC will be assisting and that Michael Marquise, Town Planner, will be doing most of the writing.  Included in this amount are any salaries that may be needed for town employees that work on the plan.

Tony Bergeron, Road Agent, was present to discuss the Highway Department articles.  The first article is the Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund.  He explained that at the present method of funding, this reserve fund does not meet the needs of the Highway Department.  Additional funding will be needed to bring this fund up to the needs of the department in the amount of $137,300.00 in 2007 (from the usual $90,000.00 per year).  T. Bergeron is recommending this fund be budgeted at $140,000.00 each year thereafter.  

With regard to bridges, T. Bergeron explained that this capital reserve fund has been budgeted at $25,000.00 each year.  The next bridge to be addressed is the Lower Main Street bridge.  The total cost to repair this bridge is approximately $400,000.00 and he is hoping to receive 80% funding through the state bridge program.

With regard to paving, T. Bergeron explained that this year he will pave Gardiner Bay and Sunny Lane for $40,000.00.   This money exists in the capital reserve fund.  After this withdrawal, there will be a balance of approximately $46,000.00 in the fund.  Emma Smith asked how much it cost to pave one mile of road.  T. Bergeron replied that the cost is approximately $125,000.00 per mile.

Another article for the Highway Department is to withdrawal $98,000.00 from the Highway and Transfer Station Capital Reserve fund to purchase a 6 wheel, one ton, dump truck.  Michael Snow questioned the amount stating that he thought it was high.  T. Bergeron stated that the truck is a 550 and not a 350 and includes plow gear.  

Another article is $300,000.00 to pave 3 miles of Jobs Creek Road.  T. Bergeron explained that this is a catch-up article and will keep the paving program going as planned for the next ten years.

With regard to the used highway equipment capital reserve, T. Bergeron explained that this fund was established years ago and allows his department to purchase used equipment without the vote of town meeting.  Often times, used equipment comes up for sale and without this fund, his department would not be able to purchase it.  Donna Nashawaty explained that the current balance of the fund is $7,513.00.  T. Bergeron stated that he is not planning on purchasing anything in 2007, but will be looking for a used roller in the future.  

Board of Selectmen & BAC
December 14, 2006

Police Chief David Cahill was present to discuss the article to lease two cruisers.  He explained that it would be a 3 year lease at $15,726.74 per year.  Police Chief Cahill stated that he believes this is the best option for Sunapee at this time.  He would usually purchase one cruiser and can do this with his capital reserve, but he has two vehicles that badly need replacement.  The vehicle he is using now has 123,000 miles on it and the bumpers are rusting off.  The payment of $15,726.74 would be taken out of the cruiser capital reserve fund.  Chief Cahill stated that he was able to reduce his cruiser maintenance budget by $1,500.00 with the lease of two cruisers.  Tony Bergeron stated that he believed the lease would be the most successful way to do.  The department will save on maintenance costs and will have reliable vehicles for emergency response.  Stephen White and Charles Balyeat agreed with the Chief and T. Bergeron.  Arthur Muller asked about the buy out.  Donna Nashawaty explained that the buy-out is $1.00 at the end of the lease.   Chief Cahill further explained that the article following the lease article to purchase a cruiser would be withdrawan.  Richard Leone stated that he would like to think about the proposal.  Emma Smith thought this could be discussed further at the December 18th meeting of the Board of Selectmen.  

Fire Chief Dan Ruggles was present to discuss the Fire Department Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund.  He explained that his department is asking $60,000.00 in 2007.  The request is more than usual because it was cut last year in order for him to purchase a used ladder truck and is needed for him to stay within the program as planned.  The balance of the fund is currently $72,477.  The next piece of equipment that will need replacement is engine #3, the pumper.   Arthur Muller asked Chief Ruggles what was received in trade for the ladder truck.  Chief Ruggles explained that it was swapped for a cutter valued at over $7,000.00.  The truck was valued between $1,500.00 and $3,000.00.  

David Bailey, Water and Sewer Superintendent was present to explain the request for $75,000.00 to pour a cement slab in the sludge drying beds at the treatment plant.  He stated that the floor is now dirt and makes for a wet and unpleasant working area.  New London will pay for a portion of the slab if approved.  Enough funds already exist in the capital reserve fund.  Donna Nashawaty explained that the balance of this fund is $709,121.00 but reminded the Boards that this money is being put aside for possible treat plant upgrades.

Van Webb, Conservation Commission, was present to discuss the $17,000.00 requested by his commission.  He explained that the money would be placed in the conservation fund to be used for the acquisition and improvement of property.  He further explained that the usual request is $7,000.00, but that the commission has found that the price for properties has increased and they would like to have the necessary amount on hand should they find some property they believe the town should have.  

Board of Selectmen & BAC
December 14, 2006

Donna Nashawaty explained the $20,000.00 article.  This money was appropriated but not spent and it will go back into the general fund December 31, 2007.  If the Selectmen wish to have some monies on hand to review the present affiliation between the Town of Sunapee and Sullivan County, then these funds need to be appropriated again.  D. Nashawaty will explain this thoroughly at the deliberative session.  The Selectmen wish to make it clear that it is not their intention to spend the money.  

Donna Nashawaty explained that the $5,000.00 article is for funds to be placed in the Milfoil Control Non-Capital Reserve Fund.  Arthur Muller stated that is believes Lake Sunapee is the only lake where the milfoil has been eradicated or contained.

Donna Nashawaty explained the article for downtown revitalization.  RSA 79-E allows the Selectmen to provide tax relief to those who revitalize their properties.  This relief might be in the form that the assessment on the property does not increase for a period of time, such as five years.  This gives an incentive for property owners to improve their property.  D. Nashawaty will explain this at the deliberative session.

Donna Nashawaty explained that the article to withdraw from the NH/VT Solid Waste District is needed to make the ending official.  This article has been approved by Town Counsel.  

Donna Nashawaty explained the reverse 911 article.  The $15,133.00 would provide software to inform the public of emergency situations, such as sewage spills.  The total cost of the software is $45,000.00.  This will be split between three towns, one being Sunapee.    $4,000.00 will come from the Water and Sewer Department.  It is her understanding that the cost to maintain this would be approximately $6,800.00 annually.  She does not feel that this purchase is necessary at this time.  Other companies will be investigated for cost.  

It was agreed that the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Advisory Committee will meet Tues., December 19, 2006 at 6 PM at Town Hall to finish up budget discussions.  

Donna Nashawaty presented a budget explanation sheet to the Selectmen and BAC answering questions that she was asked at prior meetings.  A copy of this is attached to the minutes.

Board of Selectmen & BAC
December 14, 2006

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved____________________

______________________________          ____________________________
Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

______________________________          ____________________________
William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup